- 3 months - full time hours
- Band 6 - $55-$60 p/h plus super
- Flexible working
- Laptop provided
- Assist in the preparation of new structure plans and development plans for residential, employment areas and activity centres.
- Assist in the preparation of Section 173 Agreements with landowners and developers to secure in kind provision of works and land in lieu of development contributions.
- Participate, and where directed, lead the review and development of new planning strategies, design guidelines, local policies, and other plans of Council.
- As directed prepare amendments to the Planning Scheme and undertake all associated administrative functions required under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
- To review new development proposals ensuring that such proposals meet with the objectives of Council.
- Represent Council on inter-municipal and inter-governmental working parties and forums concerning strategic planning and growth issues affecting the municipality.
- Prepare and present high-level reports and submissions of a strategic planning nature at Panel Hearings and to other review forums on strategic planning issues.
- Investigate and report on the strategic planning implications of proposed Planning Scheme Amendments, whether generated by members of the public or from Council/State Government initiatives and where directed prepare Planning Scheme Amendments in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
- Use appropriate consultation and promotion programs for the dissemination of timely information aimed at increasing awareness of strategic planning issues in the community.
If you would like to discuss this role in more detail or other Planning opportunities within Local Government, please contact Kyla Nash on
0423 419 396 or send an email to k.nash@aspectpersonnel.com.au
Alternatively you can apply by using the link below.
All communication will be strictly confidential.
Please check our website for further opportunities, apply for job alerts or to refer a friend. www.aspectpersonnel.com.au