4 Steps for a Successful Personal Development Plan

Aspect Personnel Blog — 4 Steps For A Successful Personal Development Plan

​We all want to be successful and get to our dream job or lifestyle. But that’s almost impossible without some planning and forward thinking. Not sure where to start? Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Begin with your vision

Like with any plan, it’s best to start with the end. In knowing where you want to be it’ll help you create a plan to get there – think of it as a map. You need to know your destination before setting out. Consider the following questions:

    • Where do you want to be in one year, five years, ten years?

    • What do you want your day to look like?

    • Why do you get out of bed?

    • What makes you feel accomplished?

2. Figure out what you need to work on

Create a list of your current strengths and areas you need improvement in that are relevant to your vision.

Work out a plan on how you can improve those areas that need strengthening. Is there training that your work offers or an online course to help? It might be worth chatting to your manager about extra training, especially if it will also help with your current role.

3. Create your personal development plan

Now that you have a clear vision and a list of areas you need improvement, create a detailed plan for your future.

    • What resources may you need?

    • Who can help you?

    • How will you measure success?

    • What’s the timeframe?

You may even want to break your plan down into smaller sections so it’s not overwhelming. These might be stages that look at different parts of your overall vision.

4. Review and adapt your plan continuously

A plan is great, but it should always be reviewed and altered if it’s not working. For example, if you find that how you’re measuring success isn’t working, change it. Set certain times to check in with how your plan is going. This could be weekly monthly or quarterly, depending on how long your timeframe is.

Now that you’ve envisioned where you want to be and have developed a plan to get you there, hopefully nothing will stop you. Keep in mind that it’s not a race and you can always change what need to be done and where you want to go.