It happens every year: people decide that getting a new job is one of their new year’s resolutions.
Unfortunately, the great idea you had to start the year fresh with a new role, is the same as hundreds of other applicants. In fact, right after the holidays the market is flooded, and decision makers at your preferred companies may still be on annual leave. That’s why I advise job seekers I’m working with to start thinking about their career goals in November and early December, well before the ‘holiday rush’. Here’s why:
1. Businesses are recruiting and hiring now
You might not start thinking about your role change until the holidays, but your dream company is hiring right up until Christmas time.
If you wait to get in touch until after, you’ll find things will go much slower – managers needed to approve new hires are still out on leave, people are still in relaxation mode and slower to make decisions, and there are usually fewer available jobs – they were filled by savvy job seekers back in December!
2. You can be more selective
If you’re unhappy in your current role and it’s time to leave your job, you want to make sure that the next one is a better fit. When you work with your recruiter before the holidays, not only will you have more time to determine what criteria is important to you and prepare for interviews, you’ll also be in a position of strength, with time to evaluate offers and choose your next perfect role.
It can be a different story a few months later when you’re desperate to move on and willing to accept any role that comes your way.
3. You can start in January, not several months down the line
‘New year, new job’ has a great ring to it. If you start looking now, it can actually happen that way! Job seekers often underestimate how long the job hunt process can take.
If you’re already employed, between setting up interviews, meeting multiple decision-makers, and giving notice, on average it’ll take up to two to three months from that first meeting with your recruitment consultant, to your first day. By beginning the process now, before the rush, you’ll be able to start fresh in January at your next position, instead of March or April.
4. Go to the Christmas party!
Get the chance to be introduced to your new team in a social setting before you start in the new year. Particularly when the interview process may have been online and the return to the office in the new year might be staggered, so you won’t get face time with all the team in the important early part of your employment. It's a win-win – get a new job and a Christmas party all in one.
5. Enjoy your holiday without job stress
There’s no better feeling than being able to relax over the holidays and truly unwind without the stress of looking for a new job hanging over your head.
Changing jobs is one of the biggest decisions we make throughout our lives. Having downtime to mentally adjust from leaving one position and transitioning to another can make a big difference in how you feel on day one. With the difficult part over before the holidays, you’ll be refreshed and ready to hit the ground running come January.